No complaints, but insanely busy last few weeks...
And busy in all the right ways, to steal a phrase from Mel Brooks. He used those words to describe Ann Randolph, genius, solo performer,...

"Do you think the way you were treated after your stroke was because of race?"
Another audience question from talkback following performance of My Stroke of Luck. The deficiencies in my treatment, both at discharge...

So, what keeps an artist going through the down times?
Happily back to performing My Stroke of Luck at The Marsh, San Francisco after a two- week break. YES! So, down times, can't really own...

"How can you do the same show over and over again?"
I'm asked that a lot. But that question assumes that the actor simply delivers the same performance every show. In fact, nothing could...

Does it get any better than this??
Now in Victoria, B.C., one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, wrapping week three on the road in British Columbia with My Stroke...